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How Burn Victims In A
Rogue Brazilian Hospital
Accidentally Led To The Breakthrough of Looking 10 Years Younger

How Burn Victims In A Rogue Brazilian Hospital Accidentally Led To The Breakthrough of Looking 10 Years Younger

A rogue Brazilian hospital has just discovered the eye wrinkle breakthrough of the century...

  • One so powerful they’re now using it on severe burn victims to transform their charred skin back to its former glory
  • So effective that it’s been shown to give real, tangible results for 100% of those who use it
  • And so innovative it’s now being used by Hollywood celebrities, Victoria’s Secret fashion models and top aesthetic clinics across the country.

To Explain How it Works, I Want You
to Imagine Being in the Kitchen Making
Dinner When You Accidentally Spill Boiling
Hot Water on Your Arm.

To Explain How it Works, I Want You to Imagine Being in the Kitchen Making Dinner When You Accidentally Spill Boiling Hot Water on Your Arm.

You rush to the hospital with tears streaming down your cheeks.

And instead of cleaning your burn and wrapping it with a dry gauze bandage like you’re expecting…

The nurse reaches into a tiny refrigerator...

Hands the doctor a strange, thin, dark piece of material you don’t recognize.

Glues it to the damaged area of your arm and your pain almost instantly vanishes as you feel a soothing sensation on the surface of your skin.

Now I know that sounds a little strange since you’re probably not a burn victim…

You Simply Want to Remove Decades
Worth of Deep, Weathered Wrinkles…

And replace them with soft, smooth, dewy skin
that makes you look 10 years younger.

You Simply Want to Remove Decades Worth of Deep, Weathered Wrinkles…

And replace them with soft, smooth, dewy skin that makes you look 10 years younger.

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this information with you today.

Because this Brazilian hospital has discovered that the exact same secret they’re using to treat burn victims…

Can actually work miracles for people with aging skin who want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and smooth rough, sagging skin.

Let Me Explain How it Works
with a Quick Story…

Let Me Explain How it Works with a Quick Story…

Brazilian doctors at the José Frota Institute were running out of options for burn victims.

In countries like the U.S., skin grafts from pigs and humans are used to speed the healing process for burns.

Because it can transfer an important nutrient straight to the skin which accelerates recovery.

But in Brazil, they were forced to use burn cream and gauze, which is extremely painful to keep changing.

So out of desperation, they started testing other options…

But mostly everything failed.

Some gave results but caused incredible pain to the victims…

Others didn’t cause pain but didn’t work either.

Then They Tried Tilapia Skin.

What they discovered was that tilapia skin contains huge amounts of a certain ‘healing protein’…

Then They Tried Tilapia Skin.

What they discovered was that tilapia skin contains huge amounts of a certain ‘healing protein’…

Which works absolute wonders for even the most damaged of skin.

Now don’t worry, I’m NOT going to tell you to wrap tilapia skin across your face to rejuvenate your skin.

Because scientists have recently figured out how to get the same types of results using rejuvenating ‘messenger’ cells…

When they first discovered this, they thought it was too good to be true.

So they decided to do a real, clinical study to test the effects it had on real men and women like you and me, who simply wanted to feel more confident each day.

And what they discovered blew even them away…

  • 100% of the test subjects experienced fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • 100% reduced skin roughness and dryness
  • 100% reported softer, smoother skin
  • 83% reported better firmness, tightness, and elasticity
  • 100% reported better overall skin health

The good news is this unique skin messaging innovation is already transforming the lives of thousands of Americans in their 40s…50s…and even 60s.

By Helping Them Finally
Achieve Ageless Skin...

Without painful and expensive surgery.

By Helping Them Finally Achieve Ageless Skin...

Without painful and expensive surgery.

People like Irina Khapsalis who said,

I feel like my skin is brighter and smoother under my eye area…

- Irina Khapsalis

Like Stephanie Siebrand who said,

I definitely notice a difference. The skin around my eyes is plumper, and my wrinkles are less indented.

- Stephanie Siebrand

Like Anna Marie who said,

I have fewer deep wrinkles, and my fine lines are fading more each day.

- Anna Marie

Like Helene Francis who said,

My dark circles really do look much better.

- Helene Francis

Like Avis Wrentmore who said,

The skin around my eyes is looking more plump, more hydrated, and more firm."

- Avis Wrentmore

Now This Brings Up a Good Question…

Now This Brings Up a Good Question…

How did this group of women finally wind back the clock

Using this innovative solution to rejuvenate lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin around their eyes…

When so many women are doing everything they’re supposed to be doing…

Yet continuously look older with each passing year?

That’s the question I’m going to answer for you on this page.

Sharing several things I’ve never shared publicly before... which is why you need to make sure you read this page until the very end.

But before I explain exactly how it all works, let me quickly introduce myself.

My Name is Cecilia Wong**.

And it’s my life’s mission to help you enjoy ‘ageless’-looking skin so you can look sexy and feel confident…Without surgery, Botox, or fillers.

My Name is Cecilia Wong**.

And it’s my life’s mission to help you enjoy ‘ageless’-looking skin so you can look sexy and feel confident…Without surgery, Botox, or fillers.

If you’ve ever felt shy or insecure about how your skin looks…

I know exactly how you feel.

I was that teenager everyone would always pick on because I had embarrassing red, pimply skin.

In fact, my classmates used to tease me by calling me ‘volcano face’ behind my back.

Back then the only two options for teenage acne were Oxy or Clearasil…

But unfortunately, when I put either of those on my face, it was like throwing a lit match on gasoline.

Sometimes it would burn so bad I would cry myself to sleep.

Luckily When I Hit 14, Something Changed.

That’s when I got the idea to experiment with other solutions such as using fresh fruit.

Luckily When I Hit 14, Something Changed.

That’s when I got the idea to experiment with other solutions such as using fresh fruit.

I still remember the first time I smeared my first blueberry and mango mask on my face…

It felt cool… refreshing.

And instead of my skin feeling like it was burning…

I actually felt RELIEF.

More than that though…

I felt HOPEFUL for the first time in my life.

I knew I would spend the rest of my life helping other people achieve that same feeling.

That feeling is what led me to beauty school in New York City, where I became a certified esthetician.

I Decided to Specialize in Helping People with Adult Acne Because it was Something
I was Passionate About.

I Decided to Specialize in Helping People with Adult Acne Because it was Something I was Passionate About.

And because I figured if I could solve THAT problem for people…

I would have the knowledge to solve nearly any skin-related problem for people, including aging.

Well, after a few years of getting amazing results for my clients, word began to spread about my unique skill set.

And before long...

I was getting calls from A-list Hollywood celebrities, Victoria’s Secret models, government insiders, fashion magazine editors, and everyone else in between at my private studio on 5th Avenue in New York City.

Working with these types of high-profile clients is actually my hardest job.

Because they aren’t just looking to get rid of a blemish here and there…

They demand a face that turns every head in the room.

But I like that challenge.

And it was that work ethic and demand for results that led to me being featured in numerous magazines and publications such as…

  • Marie Claire
  • Glamour
  • Self Magazine
  • Redbook
  • W Magazine
  • Better Homes & Gardens
  • Vanity Fair
  • The Knot
  • Gotham 1
  • And many more...

The Reason I’ve Been Able to Help
So Many People is Because of My
Unique Approach to Perfect Skin.

The Reason I’ve Been Able to Help So Many People is Because of My Unique Approach to Perfect Skin.

Right out of beauty school, I learned that most of the techniques you read about in women’s magazines don’t work for most women.

That’s why I decided to STOP relying on the outdated practices most people were still using that simply didn’t work…

And start blazing my own innovative path using unconventional strategies and solutions that are only known by some of the top estheticians in the world.

Because I believe that EVERY woman deserves to look ‘ageless’ no matter their age…

And I believe in helping my clients do so as fast as possible.

I’ve Found that the Fastest Way to Make a Noticeable Difference In the Way You Look is By Starting With Your Eyes.

Your eyes are the first thing people
look at when they see you.

I’ve Found that the Fastest Way to Make a Noticeable Difference In the Way You Look is By Starting With Your Eyes.

Your eyes are the first thing people look at when they see you.

They aren’t looking at your lips or your cheeks… they’re looking directly into your eyes.

Unfortunately, your eyes are also the most vulnerable to looking aged and weathered.

If you’ve developed crinkle lines, expression lines, gravitational folds, crow’s feet or even something as simple as thin, weathered skin...

People notice immediately.

This is something I realized early on in my career…

And I realized that perfecting the skin around your eyes is the KEY to looking younger, more beautiful, and more vibrant in the fastest time possible.

So I Began Studying Exactly Why
Your Eyes Age So Much Faster than
the Rest of Your Skin

And I discovered something absolutely terrifying…

So I Began Studying Exactly Why Your Eyes Age So Much Faster than the Rest of Your Skin

And I discovered something absolutely terrifying…

The young age of 50 seems to be accelerated when skin aging kicks in.

It seems that once you hit 40, your internal aging machine comes alive.

And by the time you’re just 50, it’s racing at full speed.

You can see it when you find rough patches of skin that weren’t there the month before.

You can see it when your favorite moisturizer stops lasting all day

And you can see it when you wake up after a good night’s sleep with puffiness and swelling under your eyes.

The problem is that your youthful, plump skin is already starting to break down by the time you’re only 40 years old.

And By the Time You Hit 50, It Can’t
Keep Up in Repairing Endless Wrinkles,
Fine Lines, and Rough Skin.

That means they keep stacking up,
continuing to get worse and worse…

And By the Time You Hit 50, It Can’t Keep Up in Repairing Endless Wrinkles, Fine Lines, and Rough Skin.

That means they keep stacking up, continuing to get worse and worse…

Until one day you look in the mirror and wonder how your youth has disappeared so quickly.

It can feel like your only options for achieving ageless-looking skin are invasive and dangerous cosmetic procedures.

But as you might already know, those come with their own set of problems.

For example…


Botox can cause problems with swallowing, drooping eyelids, neck weakness, and difficulty chewing 2


Laser skin resurfacing can cause redness, swelling, and even permanent scarring

Fat injections and fillers

And fat injections and fillers are prone to infection from oil cysts, or even cause blindness or strokes in rare cases

That’s not to mention the high cost of cosmetic procedures or the fact that they can produce irreversible damage that changes your face for life.

Now the GOOD news is that you don’t need to buy a million products or perfect every area of your body.

All You Need to Do is Focus Specifically on The Area Around Your Eyes.

That’s what gives you the biggest bang for your buck, and it’s what I’d like to show you how to do right now.

All You Need to Do is Focus Specifically on The Area Around Your Eyes.

That’s what gives you the biggest bang for your buck, and it’s what I’d like to show you how to do right now.

So as I explained earlier…

The secret to ageless eyes lies underneath the skin of newborn babies.

The truth is babies have plump, gorgeous-looking skin for a specific reason…

And it’s one you’ve probably never heard before.

A baby’s face, specifically around their eyes is filled with something I call ‘modeling fat.’

Modeling fat is a thin, soft layer of supportive fat that helps keep the foundation of your skin tight and plump.

  • It’s what keeps your skin soft
  • It allows your skin to spring back into shape
  • It keeps your skin hydrated properly
  • And it prevents wrinkles, saggy skin, and crow’s feet.

That’s Great News Because I’ve Discovered a Way to Help You Regenerate Modeling Fat Around Your Eyes Even If You’re Over 50.

And I’m going to TELL you how to do it on this page.

That’s Great News Because I’ve Discovered a Way to Help You Regenerate Modeling Fat Around Your Eyes Even If You’re Over 50.

And I’m going to TELL you how to do it on this page.

The best part is…

You can do it in the privacy of your home.

It requires only a few seconds per day.

It starts working as soon as you put it on your skin and it transforms your eye area better than anything I’ve ever seen before.

In fact, it’s THIS secret which keeps my high-end celebrity clients coming back to me over and over…

Because it gives such dramatic results when they need it most.

In fact, it gives you results so dramatic your girlfriends might actually think you had work done...

Yet it’s completely safe and natural.

Now I know that sounds hard to believe…

But Modeling Fat Really is the Next Step
in Achieving ‘Ageless’-Looking Skin.

Now you’re probably asking how this all works,
so let me explain…

But Modeling Fat Really is the Next Step in Achieving ‘Ageless’-Looking Skin.

Now you’re probably asking how this all works, so let me explain…

You see, back in your teens and 20s, you had an abundance of specific cells called fibroblasts.

These fibroblasts are like little tent poles which hold up your skin and turn into modeling fat which keeps it plump and soft.

Unfortunately, scientists from the University of California discovered that as you age, fibroblasts break down and become brittle just like weak bones.3

And you know what happens to weak bones…

They SNAP!

That’s bad news because when your fibroblasts break…your modeling fat begins to shrink up and die off.

And you begin developing wrinkles, expression lines, crow’s feet, and other tell-tale signs of aging that drive you crazy.

The good news is you can rejuvenate fibroblasts and boost low levels of modeling fat.

And the Solution Comes in the
Specialized Form of What I Like to Call ‘Cellular Text Messaging’.

It all has to do with a very specific type of peptide.

And the Solution Comes in the Specialized Form of What I Like to Call ‘Cellular Text Messaging’.

It all has to do with a very specific type of peptide.

If you haven’t heard of peptides, just know that they’re crucial to creating smooth, firm, ‘ageless’ skin.

There are several different types of peptides, all with different purposes.

For example, some nourish your skin and boost collagen.

Others slow the breakdown of collagen…

While others block nerves that cause muscle contractions and expression lines.

Well, the good news is that I’ve discovered one specific type of peptide which helps you increase the amount of modeling fat in your skin.

When you activate this peptide, you’ll immediately rejuvenate the skin around your eyes and take off 10-15 years in the blink of an eye.

The problem is that this particular peptide is nearly impossible to find.

What I’ve Discovered is that Most Companies are Using Peptides Incorrectly.

And when you don’t use peptides correctly,
they’re completely ineffective.

What I’ve Discovered is that Most Companies are Using Peptides Incorrectly.

And when you don’t use peptides correctly, they’re completely ineffective.

That’s why I struggled for years trying to find a product using this specific peptide in the correct way.

I knew the science behind how to recreate modeling fat in and around your eyes…

But when I began looking for a product I could comfortably recommend to my clients that contained everything needed to reactivate this modeling fat...

I came up empty.

I searched and searched and searched…

But always came up empty-handed.

And it was driving me nuts.

Here I was…

A well-known and highly respected esthetician serving thousands of clients in my 5th Avenue anti-aging boutique in New York City…

The person Hollywood celebrities rely on when they need to look absolutely flawless for a red carpet appearance…

The person Victoria’s Secret models call up the day before stepping onto the runway in front of millions of people…

Yet I had never personally developed an anti-aging solution to deliver predictable results.

Because that Product Seemed
Impossible to Create...

That’s When I Made a Decision that
Would Change My Life Forever.

Because that Product Seemed Impossible to Create...

That’s When I Made a Decision that Would Change My Life Forever.

I decided to compile my years of anti-aging research to create a product I could be proud of...

  • One I could confidently recommend to my clients and their family members
  • One I wanted to put in my own makeup bag and use personally
  • One to fight off aging without harsh side effects

Because I believe YOU and all women deserve to always look ‘ageless’ and feel good about yourself.

Now I’d love to tell you that creating a product with the right peptides was an easy process…

But it wasn’t.

The truth is…

It took 6 long years of bureaucratic red tape, paperwork, hidden expenses and unexpected delays.

In fact, many nights I just wanted to give up…

But when I thought about the stay-at-home mom wanting to pamper herself after a long stressful day…

The divorced middle-aged women feeling terrified about getting back into dating…

The lonely widow who loves getting fancied up for her grandkids…

The excited wife celebrating 20+ happy years of marriage wanting to keep the romance alive…

I found the strength to keep forging ahead.

That’s why I’m proud to announce the brand new anti-aging eye wrinkle formula from 5th and Glow™…

It’s Called Lumiace

Lumiace anti-aging eye wrinkle cream is the breakthrough that helps you snap back wrinkles and enjoy ‘ageless’ skin without going under the knife.

It’s Called Lumiace

Lumiace anti-aging eye wrinkle cream is the breakthrough that helps you snap back wrinkles and enjoy ‘ageless’ skin without going under the knife.

Inside each jar you’ll find 14 of the most-advanced anti-aging ingredients for stimulating skin cells and increasing modeling fat…

So you can enjoy a smooth, fresh, rejuvenated, radiant look at ANY age.

It’s made with gentle ‘no tears’ ingredients so you can comfortably apply it near your eyes without burning, watering, or itching.

Plus we’ve added science-backed peptides to naturally convert fibroblasts into modeling fat with laser-like precision.

So not only can you LOOK and FEEL younger every time you step in front of a mirror…

You’ll shock friends, family, and strangers with eyes that look like they stopped aging 10+ years ago.

Plus it has a light, fresh aroma so it’s pleasant to wear all day.

The fact is…

Lumiace Gives You Spa-Like Results…

In just seconds per day at a fraction of the cost.

Lumiace Gives You Spa-Like Results…

In just seconds per day at a fraction of the cost.

You’ll finally enjoy age-defying results from the inside out without spending a fortune.

In fact...

The ingredients I’m about to share are the EXACT same ingredients that help keep Hollywood’s brightest stars and Victoria’s Secret models looking red-carpet-ready at any age.

And now they’re available to everyone – at a fraction of the cost.

So now YOU can wake up every day…

Without worrying about tired droopy eyes and crow’s feet making you look years older...

Without accepting your fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin as a fact of life…

And without wondering if you’ll ever enjoy ageless-looking skin.

That’s because our brand new Lumiace™ anti-aging eye wrinkle cream was formulated to help you experience all this and so much more.

Now The Reason It’s Helping So Many Women Look Their Best is Because
It Gives You…

Now The Reason It’s Helping So Many Women Look Their Best is Because It Gives You…

  • The CORRECT ingredients – To help snap back aging skin by changing how your skin cells produce modeling fat
  • In the CORRECT dosages – So you know you’re getting ingredients that work and give you the best experience possible
  • At the CORRECT price – So you can enjoy ageless-looking eyes without wasting your hard-earned money searching for the perfect anti-aging combination or getting expensive and dangerous surgery

The best part is…

It doesn’t matter what time of day you use Lumiace™.

All that matters is that you use it consistently to see results so fast you’ll swear you can notice them on a day-to-day basis.

You can pamper yourself at the end of each day by massaging away tired-looking eyes.

You can apply it in the morning before you put on your makeup as part of your daily routine.

You can even give yourself a ‘mini-facial’ in the middle of the day.

Or you can use it any time you just want to look stunning and sexy.

That’s because once these skin-rejuvenating ingredients penetrate your trouble areas…

You’ll Watch Your Body’s
‘Aging Switch’ Freeze in Place

You’ll watch as sagging skin snaps back and you’ll watch as fine lines and wrinkles you’ve had since high school fade away.

You’ll Watch Your Body’s ‘Aging Switch’ Freeze in Place

You’ll watch as sagging skin snaps back and you’ll watch as fine lines and wrinkles you’ve had since high school fade away.

Plus you’ll save a ton of money because you won’t need to keep buying multiple products to fight your eye wrinkles.

But if you’re like me, you’re probably still a little skeptical, right?

And if you’re like me, you probably want to see REAL results on REAL people just like you.

Well, that’s why we sent Lumiace™ to a third-party lab in New York who recruited real-world people just like you…

To make sure it TRULY WORKS.

And as I showed you earlier…

  • 100% of the test subjects experienced fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • 100% reduced skin roughness and dryness
  • 100% reported softer, smoother skin
  • 83% reported better firmness, tightness, and elasticity
  • 100% reported better overall skin health

That's Why Thousands of Women Across
the U.S (and the Globe) are Happily Using Lumiace Daily.

That's Why Thousands of Women Across the U.S (and the Globe) are Happily Using Lumiace Daily.

That includes satisfied customers like Steffanie who is seeing immediate results and looking more youthful every time she applies the cream…

Or Mary who can’t believe 50 can look so young.

She’s absolutely shocked at how good she can still look at the age of 50 and finally feel confident every time she looks in the mirror.

And Kathleen who is finally getting rid of eye puffiness when nothing else worked…

Now you’ll hear from more of these beautiful women in a moment…

But First I Want to Reveal What’s Inside Our Lumiace Anti-Aging Eye Wrinkle Cream.

The foundation of it starts with 4 rejuvenating nutrients for ‘ageless’-looking skin.

But First I Want to Reveal What’s Inside Our Lumiace Anti-Aging Eye Wrinkle Cream.

The foundation of it starts with 4 rejuvenating nutrients for ‘ageless’-looking skin.

When we sat down to create this formulation, we knew it had to stimulate fibroblasts and boost modeling fat production in a safe, all-natural way.

Something you can rely on.

See, we understand that you just need something that works…

That’s why from the moment you open the jar…

To the moment you feel the eye cream absorb into your skin with no greasy residue…

To the moment you see yourself in the mirror with ‘ageless’ looking skin…

We want you to feel comfortable knowing you’re making a great decision.

#1: So you’ll be glad to know the first peptide we added is Palmitoyl Oligopeptide

What’s so unique about this one particular peptide is HOW it fills in wrinkles.


It helps fibroblasts transform into modeling fat and stimulates them to boost collagen production as much as 350%.4 5

That means you can begin enjoying plump, firmer skin in a shorter period of time. 6

And it gives you retinol-like results without any of the side effects.


It helps your skin spring back into place by increasing the anti-aging skin cell called elastin. 7

The problem with elastin is that once you hit a certain age, it bunches up like a twisted piece of rope under your skin.

So instead of spreading out like a finely woven net that keeps your skin tight…

Thick fibers form and create gaps where skin turns into wrinkles.

But elastin can help fill in fine lines and deep wrinkles to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet by closing those gaps… 7

Which is why boosting elastin needs to be part of your daily beauty routine.


The third way this peptide helps you look ageless is by increasing your body's natural hyaluronic acid production as much as 179%. 9

Hyaluronic acid is essential for looking ‘ageless’ because...

It locks the moisture inside your skin, so your skin always looks soft, fresh, and dewy instead of drying out and cracking.

In fact, less than half a teaspoon of hyaluronic acid can hold a mind-blowing 1.2 GALLONS of water… 10

Which is why it can keep your skin hydrated all day long.

Now as you can see, this single ingredient gives you the results of 3 high-end anti-aging products…

And on its own can create amazing results.

But I formulated this to be the BEST product on the market…

#2: Which is why we also added Retinyl Palmitate.

What makes this so much different from the ingredient I just shared…

Is that it PROTECTS the collagen you already have while helping PRODUCE new collagen.

Retinyl palmitate is a powerful form of Vitamin A, and part of the retinol family.

Retinyl Palmitate protects skin collagen and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles by blocking the enzyme that destroys collagen called collagenase. 11 12

Plus it freshens up tired-looking skin by increasing your skin cell turnover rate.

So not only are you helping your skin become more plump and firm…

You’re helping it get and stay ‘ageless’ without surgery.

Even better is that it’s the perfect complement to the third collagen-boosting ingredient we added…

#3: Which is called Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate.

This unique form of Vitamin C stimulates collagen in the ‘Grenz zone’.

The Grenz zone is a hidden layer that keeps your skin looking full and plump by acting like a springy mattress.

But as the years go by, this layer slowly starts to flatten out.

So instead of a big comfy mattress… it looks more like a paper-thin yoga mat.

This is why older people have thin, fragile-looking skin.13

Fortunately, this unique form of Vitamin C can stimulate collagen production in the Grenz zone so wrinkles can become less saggy.14

This is another crucial element for achieving ‘ageless’ skin…

Because it helps your skin look full and sexy by tightening up saggy skin around your eyes.

That way you can highlight your natural beauty and enjoy a stunning natural look all the time.

#4:The best part is that it works synergistically with another anti-aging ingredient called Centella Asiatica.

In Asian medicine, this nutrient is commonly used for cuts, burns, scratches, eczema, and even cellulite.15

But scientists recently discovered it contains a naturally occurring compound called madecassoside.17

Madecassoside helps you fight the aging process in 3 different ways…16


It boosts type 1 and type 3 collagen so you can snap back aging skin.


It helps your skin heal and recover faster by helping your body soothe inflamed skin cells.


It helps smooth rough skin by blocking the enzymes that dissolve your skin’s supporting framework called MMPs. 18

So it’s like getting a full facial and a collagen booster at the same time.

It’s an amazing ingredient and I can’t wait for you to experience the results it gives.

And when you combine the ingredients we’ve discussed so far, it delivers results that I’ve never seen in one beauty product.

Remember it helps you…

  • Boost modeling fat and snap back aging skin
  • Protect the collagen you already have and produce new collagen
  • Increase collagen in the Grenz zone
  • And fight the aging process and boost type 1 and type 3 collagen

It’s amazing how this handful of ingredients can work.

Just these alone can transform your skin to look YEARS younger, so you can love yourself more each time you look in the mirror.

And surprise people when you tell them how old you really are.

I Know You’re All Excited to
Get Started with Lumiace

So just click on the options shown
below if you cannot wait.

I Know You’re All Excited to Get Started with Lumiace

So just click on the options shown below if you cannot wait.

But believe it or not…

We’re just getting started!

I think you’re going to love this next ingredient even more…

Especially if you’ve been struggling for years with stubborn fine lines and wrinkles.

That’s because it offers Botox-like results without dangerous side effects or high costs.

The reason so many people love Botox is because it melts frown lines and wrinkles by freezing your facial muscles in place so they can’t make wrinkles.

The good news is it’s an effective short-term wrinkle treatment.

The bad news is it’s extremely expensive and comes with a long list of side effects.

In fact, in 2009 the government became so concerned with the health risks that it began requiring all manufacturers to use a critical health warning on their packaging.19

That’s because Botox has been shown to cause back pain from uncontrollable muscle spasms…

  • Mind-numbing migraines
  • Coughing
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • And much, much more.20

Now I don’t know about you…

But I’m simply not willing to risk my health or spend my hard-earned money on something that’s going to give me those types of side effects.

Especially when there are SAFER, NATURAL ways to snap back aging skin and look ‘ageless’…

Without expensive, dangerous treatments.

One of those is a ground-breaking anti-aging peptide that…

Blocks nerve cells and relax tense facial muscles by working like a safe, all-natural alternative to Botox.

Like humans, nerves get tense and frustrated with age.

And frustrated nerves scrunch up your face which cause frown lines and deep, embarrassing wrinkles.

#5: That’s why the anti-aging peptide Argireline is the perfect alternative for Botox.

It doesn’t attack and paralyze sensitive facial muscles like Botox does.

Instead, it soothes frazzled nerves and tense facial muscles.

No tense muscles, no frown lines, no wrinkles.

In one study, Argireline helped shrink wrinkles by 20.6% and shorten them by 15.9%…

In only 7 short days!21

Participants in the study were absolutely STUNNED by the results…

And they were SHOCKED with how FAST it worked for them.

It’s like they stepped back 10 or more years in time.

Accessing a younger, more youthful version of themselves simply by applying this one ingredient.22

The number of wrinkles decreased after treatment and the existing ones were less deep, especially in the area around the eyes.


The reduction of expression wrinkles was notorious for me and for those around me.


I noticed my skin more elastic and the crow's feet decreased visibly. I am delighted!


In Fact Another Study Took
Actual Pictures of Participants'
Facial Skin Using a Microscope.

As you can see in this picture,
the participants show a LOT of blue.

In Fact Another Study Took Actual Pictures of Participants' Facial Skin Using a Microscope.

As you can see in this picture, the participants show a LOT of blue.

That blue represents how DEEP their wrinkles are.

And you can see that after just 28 days of using Argireline, the wrinkles have practically vanished!

Their wrinkles shrunk by an astonishing 31.8% in just 28 days which is more than 1% every single day while using it.

Even better is that this type of study has been done over and over again with similar results.

In this next image, you’ll see an actual silicon imprint from a 38-year-old volunteer.

On the left you’ll notice the deep, dark red line going right down the middle.

That’s a deep wrinkle in her skin.

You’ll also notice that after 30 days, that wrinkle has practically vanished.

That’s How Powerful Argireline is.23

And as you can see,
Argireline works FAST and EFFECTIVELY.

That’s How Powerful Argireline is.23

And as you can see, Argireline works FAST and EFFECTIVELY.

By now I hope you’re starting to see why I’m so excited about peptides and why they MUST be in your makeup bag.

But wrinkle-fighting peptides are just one piece of the puzzle.

See, if you just increase modeling fat and relax facial muscles…

You’ll absolutely look years younger.

But if you want results for the long term, you need to neutralize inflammation so your immune system doesn’t accidentally attack your skin cells.

That’s why we added a peptide that helps neutralize harmful inflammation…

The truth is inflammation is either healing your skin or accelerating skin aging so you look years older than your real age.

Factors like UV light, pollution, cigarette smoke, stress, fast food and X-rays cause inflammation which wipes out collagen.

So as you age, your body is producing less collagen…

And the collagen you have is getting burned up like a tree in a forest fire by your immune system.

#6: Fortunately, you can fight off these skin damaging cells with a peptide called Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7.

In fact, palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7 has been shown to… 24

  • Increase facial skin firmness by up 19% 25
  • Increase facial skin elasticity by up to 17% 26
  • Reduce skin roughness by 14% 27
  • Decrease the deepest wrinkles by up to 56% 28

It’s amazing how effectively your body can rejuvenate itself when you give it the right nutrients.

And as you’ve just seen, all of these cutting-edge anti-aging ingredients can have a HUGE impact on your skin looking ‘ageless.’

But to Enjoy Ageless Skin, You Still Need to PROTECT Your Skin From Future Damage.

Otherwise, your skin is always fighting
an uphill battle.

But to Enjoy Ageless Skin, You Still Need to PROTECT Your Skin From Future Damage.

Otherwise, your skin is always fighting an uphill battle.

Most women lose this battle, and it shows by how quickly they age…

Especially once they hit 50.

But I refuse to let that happen to you.

If you’re in your 50s and already losing that battle…

What I’m about to show you will give you everything you need to turn back the clock as much as 10-15 years.

And if you’re still in your 30s or 40s, I’m about to help you win the battle before it even starts.

That’s why you’ll be thrilled to discover we also added 3 skin-moisturizing agents including…

Tocopheryl Acetate

Tocopheryl Acetate to help prevent collagen from getting ‘digested’ by the sun, boost skin moisture, and reinforce your skin’s natural protective barrier29 30

Cucumber extract

Cucumber extract to hydrate your skin by slowing the loss of hyaluronic acid and the breakdown of elastin31 32

Algae extract

And Algae extract to help prevent water loss in the upper layer of your skin.33

On top of that…

We’ve Even Added 3 Botanical Herbs
to Improve Skin Tone and Help
Fade Brown Spots.

If you have brown spots… the problem is,
too much sun exposure is activating a
skin enzyme called tyrosinase.34

We’ve Even Added 3 Botanical Herbs to Improve Skin Tone and Help Fade Brown Spots.

If you have brown spots… the problem is, too much sun exposure is activating a skin enzyme called tyrosinase.34

So to block tyrosinase, we added...

Bearberry Extract

Licorice Root

and Emblica extract.35 36 37

And finally, we added two nutrients for smoother skin.

The first is Alpha-Lipoic Acid which has been shown to help decrease skin roughness by up to 50.8%.38

And the second is Echinacea, which can improve skin hydration and decrease wrinkles by up to 14.92%.39

Now as you can see…

We’ve Solved ALL the Problems Causing Your Skin to Age, All in One Product.

It took MONTHS figuring out the exact ingredients and combinations to create the best possible results.

We’ve Solved ALL the Problems Causing Your Skin to Age, All in One Product.

It took MONTHS figuring out the exact ingredients and combinations to create the best possible results.

But YOU DESERVE everything I just mentioned.

Because you deserve to LOOK and FEEL young again…

And I want to help you reclaim the vibrant, youthful, and plump skin you once enjoyed.

So rather than spending a fortune on multiple high-end luxury eye creams…

Putting yourself through the torture of trying to guess your “safe dose” of retinol…

Or getting surgery out of sheer desperation…

We Simply Put Everything You Need Into One Convenient Jar You Can Use Each Day.

That way, the only thing you need to worry about is how great you look when you walk out the door.

We Simply Put Everything You Need Into One Convenient Jar You Can Use Each Day.

That way, the only thing you need to worry about is how great you look when you walk out the door.

Now if you’re like most of my private clients, you’ve probably tried dozens of various beauty product.

With some working a little…

But most offering almost no result for the money you invested.

That’s why I wanted to make sure we tested this to give you confidence that it will work for you.

And as you can see…

It CLEARLY works!

And that’s exactly why many customers order multiple jars of Lumiace™ with each order...

Because the results simply speak for themselves.

Lumiace™ allows you to wake up, step in front of the mirror and actually look younger than you did a week ago.

This is exactly what we want you to feel every day.

It’s why we work tirelessly to serve people just like you.

It’s what drives us to go the extra mile to make sure you’re happy.

I’m sure you are wondering…

How Often Should You Use Lumiace
for the Best Experience?

That part is pretty straightforward.

How Often Should You Use Lumiace for the Best Experience?

That part is pretty straightforward.

Each jar of Lumiace™ contains enough product to last you roughly 30 days while using it twice a day.

You simply tap it around your eye area once in the morning and once before bed for at least 30 days and you’re good to go.

Within those 30 days, most people notice dramatic changes in their unwanted eye wrinkles.

  • Confidence oozes out as they look more and more ‘ageless’ with each passing day
  • Coworkers start raving about how much younger they now look
  • Friends and family can’t believe they didn’t get “work done”
  • Selfies begin to look like someone photoshopped out your crow’s feet and eye wrinkles
  • And loose, saggy, tired-looking skin starts looking plump and sexy

But here’s the best part…

Results can Actually AMPLIFY With Time

Because remember... you can’t enjoy
‘ageless’ looking skin until you increase modeling fat, boost collagen and stop inflammatory cells from attacking healthy fibroblasts.

Results can Actually AMPLIFY With Time

Because remember... you can’t enjoy ‘ageless’ looking skin until you increase modeling fat, boost collagen and stop inflammatory cells from attacking healthy fibroblasts.

That means using peptides that communicate with skin cells…

And rejuvenating the part of your skin that’s causing it to sag and wrinkle.

But even once you stimulate your skin cells…

You still have a lot of weaken fibroblasts under the surface of your skin.

So all the layers of your skin need to go through a dramatic transformation process.

That’s why many people see a dramatic change FAST…

But their results become much more dramatic the longer they use the product.

In Fact We Even Tested This Theory
and Sent Lumiace to a Third-Party
Lab for Testing.

They noticed that within the first week, participants noticed their skin getting tighter and more youthful.

In Fact We Even Tested This Theory and Sent Lumiace to a Third-Party Lab for Testing.

They noticed that within the first week, participants noticed their skin getting tighter and more youthful.

But by week 8 the entire group experienced a wrinkle reduction averaging 65.97%!

Even more exciting is that some people even reduced the appearance of their wrinkles by up to 88.9%!40

So it’s very clear that the longer you use it, the better results you’ll experience.

That’s also why I’m going to do something a little special while you're reading this...

And Give You an Exclusive Discount
Off Your Order of Lumiace

This is going to save you a TON of money.

And Give You an Exclusive Discount Off Your Order of Lumiace

This is going to save you a TON of money.

And I’m only doing it because when I think of my clients and how much their life has changed after they genuinely feel ‘ageless’

It pushes me to get Lumiace™ into the hands of as many people as possible.

Here’s how your discount works…

Right now, when you decide to ‘try’ Lumiace™ I won’t ask you to pay the suggested retail price of $89.95…

Or even $69.95.

Instead, when you click the button you see below this right now…

You can have Lumiace™ shipped to your door for as little as $33.33 per jar.

That’s only $1.11 per day even if you’re using it twice per day.

So Scroll Down Below and Choose the Package that’s Right for You.

I’ve given you a 1-month, 3-month,
or 6-month supply to choose from.

So Scroll Down Below and Choose the Package that’s Right for You.

I’ve given you a 1-month, 3-month, or 6-month supply to choose from.

WARNING October 2024: Stock Levels Of Lumiace™ are Limited.
Accept Your Reserved Bottles Above NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

But I recommend the 6-month supply because you’ll get the BEST deal we can offer right now.

And it will give you the most dramatic and transforming results.

Plus there’s absolutely no risk in ordering our best package right now because…

Your Order is Backed By Our 1-Year,
100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Your Order is Backed By Our 1-Year, 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

365 Day Money Back Guarantee!

At 5th & Glow, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us. Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back. You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong.

Give Lumiace a try and see the difference it would bring to your life. If at any time you are not happy with Lumiace, just send back your empty jars and we will refund you immediately. No questions asked. We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

It's 100% Risk-Free!

I’m offering you the chance to tap a pea-sized drop of Lumiace™ into your trouble areas…

Watch it melt into your skin like a raindrop in the desert…

And snap back aging skin so you can stay ‘ageless.’

This breakthrough has already slowed the aging process for thousands of women.

They’re transforming the way they feel when they look closely in the mirror, and I want that for you too.

Because when you add Lumiace™ into your daily routine…

You can Sleep Better Knowing You’re Taking Care of Your Skin in the Best Way Possible.

And you can get started risk-free today.

You can Sleep Better Knowing You’re Taking Care of Your Skin in the Best Way Possible.

And you can get started risk-free today.

In fact, I don’t even want you to say yes.

All I’m asking from you is a simple “maybe”.

Because if you change your mind about your investment today for ANY reason over the next year…

Simply call or email our customer support team, and we’ll gladly refund every penny you paid today.

There is literally zero risk but SO much to gain.

There’s no subscription, no auto-ship, no gimmicks whatsoever.

You simply place your one-time order on this page today…

And Lumiace™ either works wonders around your eye area or you get every single penny back.

It’s really that simple.

So Choose One of the
Options You See Below.

So Choose One of the Options You See Below.

WARNING October 2024: Stock Levels Of Lumiace™ are Limited.
Accept Your Reserved Bottles Above NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

But it gets even better.

Because today, for a limited time…

I’d Like to Give You These Additional Bonuses Absolutely FREE When You Order on This Page Today

I’d Like to Give You These Additional Bonuses Absolutely FREE When You Order on This Page Today

After helping hundreds of people enjoy ‘ageless’ skin and skyrocket their confidence even when they’re looking in the mirror and being self-critical…

I’ve learned that when women can SEE and FEEL their progress, their result goes through the roof.

This is why I’m so excited to offer you these free bonuses to enhance your results.


Bonus #1:

The Ultimate Eating Guide for Perfect skin ($27 value)

Bonus #1:

The Ultimate Eating Guide for Perfect skin ($27 value)

I’m giving you a simple eating guide to show you some of my favorite foods for improving your skin health.

These are the exact foods I tell my A-list celebrity clients to eat so their skin stays flawless and camera-ready.

You’ll discover what works and what doesn’t for great skin.

And I think you’ll be surprised about what you can eat while still enjoying skin that radiates youthfulness.

The best part is…

You can easily download it straight to your smartphone so you’re never out of ideas when you’re at the grocery store.

This is a $27-value product… yours for free.

On top of that I’d like to offer you…

Bonus #2:

The Eye Lift Masterclass ($97 value)

Bonus #1:

The Ultimate Eating Guide for Perfect skin ($27 value)

This exclusive masterclass gives you the same wrinkle massage techniques you can only learn at an exclusive and expensive beauty school.

Inside I’ll share massage routines I’ve never revealed before, such as…

  • How many times per week you MUST massage your eye area so you’re fully stimulating skin cells and fighting the vice grip of aging
  • The proper way to apply eye wrinkle cream and help it penetrate so it’s not sitting on the surface of your skin, making it feel greasy
  • How to reduce puffiness and give yourself the well-rested ‘I just got back from vacation’ look
  • How to lift and tone by tweaking the products you’re already using so you can restore radiant skin and look years younger
  • How to improve blood circulation, relieve sinus pressure, and tighten skin using the ancient Chinese facial massage Gua Sha

And much, much more.

I’m also including an FAQ section so you can make sure you’re doing everything the right way.

Plus you’re getting an insider's guide to help you find the right professional for the perfect facial massage.

This entire masterclass has a $97 value and the only place you can access it is during this special promotion.

But I’d like to give it to you absolutely FREE today.

Because I know what it’s like to feel confused about the proper way to eat, and massage your skin.

As you can see, I want to make sure you have everything you need to get the best possible results.

Again, I recommend the 6-Jar Option Because It Gives You the Best Deal
with FREE Shipping

Enough to last you a while in case we run out
and it’s risk-free because of our ONE-YEAR
100% money-back guarantee.

Again, I recommend the 6-Jar Option Because It Gives You the Best Deal with FREE Shipping

Enough to last you a while in case we run out and it’s risk-free because of our ONE-YEAR 100% money-back guarantee.

Choose your package below, and you’ll go straight to our 100% secure online ordering form where you can finalize your order and tell us where to ship it.

WARNING October 2024: Stock Levels Of Lumiace™ are Limited.
Accept Your Reserved Bottles Above NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

Join the thousands of women who have benefitted from Lumiace.

Join the thousands of women who have benefitted from Lumiace.

Just like Veronica who was excited to share…

I just went to a family reunion and they were asking “What is your secret?” Right now it is a secret to them, but I know it's all thanks to Lumiace™.


Sianila told us…

I've been using Lumiace™ for 7 weeks and the lines around my eyes have disappeared. I put it on at night, before bed and when I wash my face in the morning. I really love it and like the big difference in how it makes me look younger.


And this was what Lisa called in to share with us.


We want you to feel comfortable knowing you’re making great decisions about the beauty products you choose to buy.

We want you to feel comfortable knowing that you’re giving yourself a spa-like treatment that's safe for yourself and your family, at an attractive price.

In fact, you’ll be ecstatic to know…

Lumiace is Produced in an
FDA-Certified Facility Using the
Highest-Grade Ingredients Available

Lumiace is Produced in an FDA-Certified Facility Using the Highest-Grade Ingredients Available

We keep a close eye on the entire manufacturing process, including where each ingredient comes from, all the way to how it’s packed and stored.

And over the years we’ve built strong relationships with the right companies that we can trust.

So we can proudly tell you that what’s on the label of each jar is exactly what’s inside.

That means our products…

  • Never contain parabens or sulfates
  • Never contain artificial fragrances or colors
  • Never contain greasy-feeling mineral oil
  • Are manufactured in a US-based FDA-certified facility to ensure the product you’re getting comes thoroughly tested

It’s a lot of extra work…

But it’s well worth it when we see the hundreds of satisfied customers who now look forward to caressing their ‘ageless’ face in the mirror.

The problem is that creating such an innovative product makes it hard to keep it in stock!

That’s because we have so many different ingredients, which come from various labs and manufacturers all over the world.

By the time we coordinate with all these different companies to ensure you’re getting the highest-quality ingredients in the EXACT right amounts...

It can take several months to complete each batch of Lumiace™ anti-aging eye wrinkle cream

As demand continues to increase for Lumiace™, it puts an even greater strain on production.

So More Often than Not, Lumiace
Anti-Aging Eye Wrinkle Cream is At Risk
of Selling Out.

That’s why I’m recommending you order multiple jars of Lumiace while we still have it in stock.

So More Often than Not, Lumiace Anti-Aging Eye Wrinkle Cream is At Risk of Selling Out.

That’s why I’m recommending you order multiple jars of Lumiace while we still have it in stock.

And it’s why I’m offering some pretty amazing discounts if you decide to order multiple jars of Lumiace™ today.

And with that said, the decision is now yours.

You’ve seen all the clinical studies…

All the proof…

All the reasons why giving Lumiace™ an honest try is a great decision you’ll feel comfortable making today.

So Now You’ve Got a Choice.

So Now You’ve Got a Choice.

Option 1:

1. Do nothing and give up – Then look back 6 months or even a year from now and realize you had the chance to make a different choice.

You could’ve tried something risk-free that’s already helping people live a more comfortable life.

Option 2:

2. Or you can try Lumiace™ absolutely risk-free.

And boost fading levels of modeling fat, transform rough patches into sexy glowing skin, fade fine lines and wrinkles around your eye area, and feel confident to leave the house makeup-free.

Without worrying about devastating eye droop, and SO much more.

The Choice is Yours Of Course,
But I Think It’s a Clear Choice.

The fact is that today is the perfect
opportunity to try Lumiace™ risk-free.

The Choice is Yours Of Course, But I Think It’s a Clear Choice.

The fact is that today is the perfect opportunity to try Lumi ace™ risk-free.

So you can finally stop worrying about feeling older with each passing year and fully enjoy your life right now.

So I hope you’ll make the decision to snap back aging skin and enjoy looking ageless.

To smooth and soften rough, dry skin…

To fade fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet…

And to feel like you were transported back into a younger version of you.

Right now is your chance to do just that.

Remember, I Recommend Taking Advantage of Our 6-Jar Option Because…

Remember, I Recommend Taking Advantage of Our 6-Jar Option Because…

You’re getting a huge bulk discount over the other options.

You’re backed by our ONE-YEAR 100% money-back guarantee so there’s no risk.

We may run out at any time, so you’ll have enough to last you a while in case that happens.

Plus you’ll enjoy FREE shipping.

Remembering you’re getting these additional bonuses...

  • Including my Eye Lift Masterclass, which is a $97 value
  • And The Ultimate Eating Guide for Perfect Skin, which is another $27 value

That’s an additional $124 in added value, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered through this website.

But It’s Important to Know that
These Special Bonuses and Discounts
are Available on THIS Page Only

As part of a nationwide anti-aging campaign we’re currently running and only while supplies last.

But It’s Important to Know that These Special Bonuses and Discounts are Available on THIS Page Only

As part of a nationwide anti-aging campaign we’re currently running and only while supplies last.

And with that, I’d like to thank you again for your time and end my message here.

Before you leave, go ahead and choose the package that’s best for you.

Remember, your purchase is protected for a full year.

If for any reason, or no reason at all you feel this is not for you, we’ll gladly refund your money.

So go ahead and make a smart decision right now.

Simply choose one of the options on this page and click the ‘Add to cart’ button.

That will take you to our secure online order form where you can place your order.

Thanks again for your time today, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Cecilia Wong

WARNING October 2024: Stock Levels Of Lumiace™ are Limited.
Accept Your Reserved Bottles Above NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

Still here?

I guess you have questions.

That’s cool. Here are some i hear most often...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What’s unique about Lumiace™ ?

Lumiace™ anti-aging eye wrinkle cream is the anti-aging breakthrough that contains 14 of the most-advanced anti-aging ingredients which boost collagen production and increase modeling fat by rejuvenating tired fibroblasts.

It’s made with gentle yet safe ingredients so you’ll feel comfortable using it around your eyes.

That way you get the results you want without worrying about burning, watering, or itching when you put it on.

Plus clinical results have shown that…

  • 100% of the test subjects experienced fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • 100% reduced skin roughness and dryness
  • 100% reported softer, smoother skin
  • 83% reported better firmness, tightness, and elasticity
  • 100% reported better overall skin health

Q. Why should I order Lumiace™ today?

Most customers order Lumiace™ so they can enjoy an enduring ‘ageless’ look without resorting to complicated and expensive cosmetic surgery.

They’re sick and tired of watching their skin look older with each passing year, and they want to enjoy looking in the mirror again.

Q. Do you offer a guarantee?


You have a full year to use your money-back guarantee.

At any time you are unhappy with our product for any reason, just reach out to our customer support team through telephone or email and let us know.

We’ll gladly process your refund.

We do this to ensure that every single one of our customers are happy regardless.

Q. How many jars should I order?

You can choose from 1, 3, or 6 jars.

Overall I recommend one jar if you want a test drive.

3 jars if you want the best experience possible.

And 6 jars if you want the best experience possible and a 40% discount.

We’re constantly worried about running out of Lumiace™.

And it takes a long time to produce each batch, and at the rate we’re gaining new customers, it’s a struggle to keep up with demand.

So it’s in your best interest to order today to ensure you get it while it’s still in stock.

You can get Lumiace™ at the BEST price… for ONE FULL YEAR.

If you don’t see a dramatic result every time you look in the mirror, simply send it back for a 100% refund.

Plus you’re getting these additional bonuses…

  • Including my Eye Lift Masterclass, which is a $97 value…
  • And The Ultimate Eating Guide for Perfect Skin, which is another $27 value.

That’s an additional $124 in added value, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered through this website.

On top of ALL that, you’ll also get free shipping.

Q. What happens when I click the ‘Add To Cart’ button?

Once you choose the jar option that’s best for you, you’ll be directed to our 100% safe and secure checkout page.

We use the highest-grade encryption available to ensure your personal information stays safe.

On the checkout page, you’ll fill in your shipping and payment information; that way we know where to send your order.

Once your order is completed, the guys in the warehouse will get your order together.

We’ve streamlined this process so you get your order within 5-7 business days.

That means your struggle with wrinkles around the eyes can become a distant memory as soon as possible.

Q. How long can I still claim this special pricing for Lumiace™ ?

Well, if you place your order today, you’ll be able to ‘lock in’ at this low rate.

So no matter what the price ends up going up to, you will only have to pay this same price for ANY future orders.

However, I can’t make any promises for how long we’ll be selling Lumiace™ at this introductory price.

So I strongly advise you to take advantage of this generous offer now or you might miss out altogether.

Alright, those are the most common questions we receive.

Now remember, this is sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

That’s only fair.

My clients are getting results beyond their highest expectations and I promise you this: my cream does everything I say it will, or it’s yours free.

WARNING October 2024: Stock Levels Of Lumiace™ are Limited.
Accept Your Reserved Bottles Above NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

[1] https://gothammag.com/best-nyc-spas-beauty-salons

[2] https://www.healthline.com/health/botox-poison#longterm-effects

[3] https://www.prevention.com/beauty/skin-care/a20462030/do-collagen-supplements-work-any-better-than-wrinkle-creams/

[4] https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9284/4/2/16

[5] https://cellularskinrx.com/glossary/palmitoyl-oligopeptide

[6] https://thedermreview.com/palmitoyl-oligopeptide/

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[8] https://www.futurederm.com/what-are-the-differences-between-peptides/

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[11] https://www.instyle.com/beauty/skin/rentiyl-palmitate-for-skin

[12] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241380583_The_effect_of_retinyl_palmitate_on_skin_composition_and_rnorphornetry

[13] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4587894/

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[18] https://phamix.com/2008/06/09/madecassoside-benefits-in-skin-care/

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botulinum_toxin

[20] https://www.drugs.com/sfx/botox-side-effects.html

[21] https://na.lipotec.com/en/argireline/

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[23] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5350746_A_synthetic_hexapeptide_Argireline_with_antiwrinkle_activity

[24] http://www.smartskincare.com/treatments/topical/palmitoyl-oligopeptide-palmitoyl-tetrapeptide-7-matrixyl-3000.html

[25] https://www.cir-safety.org/sites/default/files/palmit072012slr.pdf

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[29] https://www.livestrong.com/article/504637-what-are-the-potential-health-effects-of-tocopheryl-acetate/

[30] https://thedermreview.com/tocopheryl-acetate/

[31] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49679444_Cucumis_sativus_fruit-potential_antioxidant_anti-hyaluronidase_and_anti-elastase_agent

[32] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49679444_Cucumis_sativus_fruit-potential_antioxidant_anti-hyaluronidase_and_anti-elastase_agent

[33] https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/clinical-efficacy-of-dermocosmetic-formulations-containing-spirulina-extract-on-young-and-mature-skin-effects-on-the-skin-hydrolipidic-barrier-and-structural-properties-2167-065X-1000144.php?aid=61480

[34] https://www.byrdie.com/arbutin-serum

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